





Calculation rules for quantities of ventilation pipes
1, 薄钢板风管
1. Sheet steel air duct
(1) The air duct is calculated based on the expanded area according to different specifications, and the area occupied by inspection hole, measuring hole, air supply outlet and air suction outlet on the duct is not deducted.
(2)计算风管长度时一律以图注中心线长度为准,包型线  流水槽模具 景观石 检查井钢模具 保定通风管道 隔离墩模具 保定保洁公司括弯头、三通、变径管、天圆地方等管件的长度,但不得包括通风部件(如风阀、风口等)所在位置的长度。风管直径和周长按图注尺寸展开。但咬口风管的接口及翻边量不得计算在展开面积内。
(2) When calculating the length of the air duct, the length of the center line indicated in the drawing shall prevail, including the length of elbow, tee, reducer, round place and other pipe fittings, but shall not include the length of the location of ventilation components (such as air valve, air outlet, etc.). The diameter and perimeter of the air duct shall be expanded according to the dimensions indicated in the drawing. However, the joint and flanging amount of undercut air duct shall not be calculated in the developed area.
(3) The air duct guide vane is calculated according to the area of the vane.
(4) Air duct accessories (except for flexible joints, which are calculated by square meters), inspection holes and measuring holes are calculated in units of different types and specification
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